From a narrow financial services perspective, microfinance refers to the provision of uncollateralized small loans, small savings (capital build-ups) and micro insurance products and services to the poor whose needs are not being served by traditional banks and insurance companies.


From a broader social development and poverty alleviation perspective, microfinance is a tool that provides financial services to the poor by which self-employment is generated and family income is increased in order to improve the quality of life of this marginalized sector.


Microfinance is therefore not simply about providing financial services; it is also about helping to improve the quality of life of target communities. It has two bottom lines: one is financial and the other is social. Thus, the objectives of the microfinance program of ASA Philippines Foundation are:

  • To ensure cheaper credit access to poor communities through an appropriate and innovative alternative financing system;
  • To provide financial support to poor communities for them to produce goods and services;
  • To establish the right of women at all levels to participate in income-earning activities and to facilitate their involvement in participatory decision-making processes;
  • To increase household CBU (savings) and income and to create opportunities for self-employment, thereby reducing poverty and establishing equality between men and women in society;
  • To eliminate informal moneylenders who charge exorbitant interest rates;
  • To create pressure on the microfinance market to reduce interest rates in order to make loans more affordable to poor clients;
  • To reduce dependence on charity and grants at all levels; and
  • To contribute to the socio-economic development of urban and rural poor communities through providing financial support and services to the clients’ initiated income generating projects, resulting in the improvement of their quality of life and enabling them to achieve social equity.


ASA Philippines Foundation was conceptualized by Mr. Kamrul H. Tarafder. Mr. Tarafder started work in the microfinance industry with ASA Bangladesh.

Vision and Mission

ASA Philippines Foundation has made its commitment to three sectors. The first is a commitment to the marginalized poor sector for which the Foundation exists. 

Primary Services

We offer three major service products to the enterprising poor to help uplift their economic condition

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